Library Policies
On this page you can read our policies and details about using some of our services.
General Policies
Chapel Hill Public Library provides free access to computers and the internet. Library computers use internet filtering software in compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This software blocks patrons from seeing images that can reasonably be construed as obscenity or child pornography, as defined by Miller v. California (1973) and 18 U.S.C. 2256 respectively.
Library staff can override filtered content for adults upon request.
Filtering software is not foolproof. The library is not responsible for any content accessed via our computers. Children 9 years old and younger must remain with a parent or caretaker while using library computers. Parents & caretakers are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the internet and ensuring their safety online.
In addition to internet access via library-owned computers, we provide free and open WiFi over an unsecured network.
Patrons should always exercise caution when sharing or accessing personal information online. By using any library computer or WiFi services, patrons agree to hold the Town of Chapel Hill harmless in the event that any information is lost or stolen.
Patrons may not use library computers or WiFi for any purpose prohibited by North Carolina or federal law.
Computer and WiFi users must abide by our expectations of behavior.
- We expect users to respect the comfort and safety of fellow library users and library staff. If your behavior is making others unsafe or uncomfortable, we’ll ask you to stop.
- We expect users to comply with requests from library staff. If you don’t, we reserve the right to suspend privileges and/or access.
- We expect users to comply with local, state, and federal laws. If you break the law, we may prosecute.
Borrowing Materials
Item | Check out period | Times you can renew |
New books | 2 weeks | 3 |
Non-Fiction videos and TV series | 3 weeks | 3 |
Feature Films on DVD | 1 week | 3 |
Friends' books (marked with a blue tab) | 2 weeks | 0 |
Kids book kits | 3 weeks | 3 |
Adult book kits | 6 weeks | 3 |
Digital Media Lab Equipment | 3 days | 3 |
Chromebooks | 2 weeks | 1 |
In addition to picking up holds at the library, users can pick up holds at University Place Lockers. The lockers are open 24/7.
- Place holds through the online catalog and select the pick up at "University Place Lockers" option.
- Wait until you receive an email that your hold is ready.
- Go to the lockers — located outside at 201 S Estes Dr, next to Alfredo's Pizza.
- Scan your library card or type in your library card number.
- Grab your materials, close the door, and enjoy!
If you don't see location options in the catalog, you may need to update your single-click hold preferences here.
Borrowers may have 50 items checked out at a time, with the following limits:
Item | Limit |
DVDs | 10 |
New Books | 6 |
Friends' Books | 2 |
Book Kits | 2 |
NC Digital Library items | 6 |
Borrowers may place holds on items through the catalog or by phone, with the following limits:
Item | Limit |
Physical items | 15 |
NC Digital Library items | 6 |
- You will receive a bill for the replacement cost of the item and your ability to check out other materials will be suspended.
- If you return the item, your ability to borrow materials will be restored.
- If you cannot find the item, you can pay the bill and have your ability to borrow materials restored.
- We abide by state laws governing library privacy.
- We provide access to numerous online resources. When you use those resources, you are subject to their terms and privacy policies.
(1) "Library" means a library established by the State; a county, city, township, village, school district, or other local unit of government or authority or combination of local units of governments and authorities; community college or university; or any private library open to the public. (2) "Library record" means a document, record, or other method of storing information retained by a library that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific information or materials from a library. "Library record" does not include nonidentifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of library materials in general. (1985, c. 486, s. 2.)
§ 125-19. Confidentiality of library user records.(a) Disclosure. - A library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services, or as otherwise having used the library, except as provided for in subsection (b). (b) Exceptions. - Library records may be disclosed in the following instances:
(1) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library; (2) Upon written consent of the user; or (3) Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law. (1985, c. 486, s. 2.)
Borrowing Materials
Most of the materials in the library can be borrowed for 3 weeks at first, and renewed three times. If an item you have borrowed can be renewed, it happens automatically. A few exceptions:
Item | Check out period | Times you can renew |
New books | 2 weeks | 3 |
Non-Fiction videos and TV series | 3 weeks | 3 |
Feature Films on DVD | 1 week | 3 |
Lucky Day books | 2 weeks | 0 |
Kids book kits | 3 weeks | 3 |
Adult book kits | 6 weeks | 3 |
Digital Media Lab Equipment | 3 days | 3 |
Chromebooks | 2 weeks | 1 |
Hotspots | 2 weeks | 1 |
If another user has placed a hold on an item that you have checked out, you will not be able to renew.
In addition to picking up holds at the library, users can pick up holds at University Place Lockers. The lockers are open 24/7.
- Place holds through the online catalog and select the pick up at "University Place Lockers" option.
- Wait until you receive an email that your hold is ready.
- Go to the lockers — located outside at 201 S Estes Dr, next to Alfredo's Pizza.
- Scan your library card or type in your library card number.
- Grab your materials, close the door, and enjoy!
If you don't see location options in the catalog, you may need to update your single-click hold preferences here.
Borrowers may have 50 items checked out at a time, with the following limits:
Item | Limit |
DVDs | 10 |
New Books | 6 |
Friends' Books | 2 |
Book Kits | 2 |
NC Digital Library items | 6 |
Borrowers may place holds on items through the catalog or by phone, with the following limits:
Item | Limit |
Physical items | 15 |
NC Digital Library items | 6 |
- You will receive a bill for the replacement cost of the item and your ability to check out other materials will be suspended.
- If you return the item, your ability to borrow materials will be restored.
- If you cannot find the item, you can pay the bill and have your ability to borrow materials restored.
- We abide by state laws governing library privacy.
- We provide access to numerous online resources. When you use those resources, you are subject to their terms and privacy policies.
(1) "Library" means a library established by the State; a county, city, township, village, school district, or other local unit of government or authority or combination of local units of governments and authorities; community college or university; or any private library open to the public. (2) "Library record" means a document, record, or other method of storing information retained by a library that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific information or materials from a library. "Library record" does not include nonidentifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of library materials in general. (1985, c. 486, s. 2.)
§ 125-19. Confidentiality of library user records.(a) Disclosure. - A library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services, or as otherwise having used the library, except as provided for in subsection (b). (b) Exceptions. - Library records may be disclosed in the following instances:
(1) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library; (2) Upon written consent of the user; or (3) Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law. (1985, c. 486, s. 2.)
Please donate only very gently used books, games and puzzles in good condition.
We will not accept damaged books, textbooks, A/V material (audiobooks or video in any format), encyclopedias, old dictionaries and reference books, magazines or journals.
We also accept financial donations in any amount.
Printing and Scanning
Laser printing costs $.15 per page for black and white and $.50 for color copies.
We sure do. It's on the lower level near the computers. You can save the images to memory sticks, send them through email, or print them. It's free to use. A professional scanner is also available in our Digital Media Lab.
A core function of Chapel Hill Public Library is to collect, curate, and make accessible library materials in a wide variety of formats that respond to community interests and demographics. The library’s goal is to maintain a popular, up-to-date collection attuned to and reflective of the diversity of our community. Collection formats, subject matter, and target audiences will be reflective of community demand. The library places emphasis on highlighting and amplifying the voices of historically marginalized populations.
If you want us to consider an item that's not in our collection, please feel free to send us a suggestion.
How do we decide what enters or leaves the collection? Here are some of the factors that we consider:
- Popular demand
- Critical reviews from the industry and media
- Established authority of an author or their publisher
- Current or long-term significance of a work
- Accuracy and timeliness
- Authentic reflection of diverse ideas, information, stories, and experiences
- Relationship to existing collection
- Price, format, condition, and ease of use
The library director has ultimate authority for the collections. That responsibility is shared with our staff of professional librarians.
Monetary donations for the purchase of materials are welcome and appreciated. In choosing how to spend gift donations, we follow the guidelines on this page and consider feedback from the donor.
Donated materials are handled by the Friends of the Chapel Hill Public Library organization and are sold to help generate money to support the library.
Local authors may contact the Acquisitions & Collections or Youth & Family Experiences Managers to request their work be considered for the collection. Donated works by local authors may be accepted if the material meets collection guidelines. We do not return donations or track their status once donated.
Meeting Rooms
Chapel Hill Public Library has four meeting rooms available for public use. In line with the Town of Chapel Hill’s goal to support a healthy and inclusive community, this Library Meeting Room Policy seeks to:
- Ensure that Library Meeting Rooms are accessible to all, including historically marginalized groups
- Communicate clear, equitable, and transparent guidelines for use of these community-owned spaces
- Support the Town’s commitment to environmental sustainability, social equity, and stewardship
- Minimize the administrative burden to room users and library staff.
Room use is free. Event organizers and all event attendees are subject to the restrictions outlined below.
Organizers are responsible for all room set-up, break-down, and operation before, during, and at the end of their event.
Political campaign activities, candidate events, for-profit business activities, and private parties are not allowed.
- Reservation requests can be made via the library’s online reservation system, phone, or in person at CHPL.
- A group or individual may have a maximum of one reservation per 30-day period.
- Reservations can be placed up to 30 days in advance.
- Reservation requests must be submitted 72 hours in advance.
- Reservations are capped at a maximum of 5 hours, including set-up and break-down time.
- Room reservation requests are approved on a first come, first served basis. However, priority for room reservations goes to library sponsored programs and Town of Chapel Hill events. These priority uses are not subject to these reservation restrictions.
- The Town reserves the right to preempt or cancel reservations and meetings or events. Should this occur, the Town will give as much notice as possible and will assist the affected group in finding another meeting time or place as possible.
- Organizers and Users may not charge any fees for events held in library meeting rooms at any time.
- The exchange of goods or services in library meeting rooms is prohibited. Exceptions may be made by the Library Director or designee for library sponsored functions and non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations conducting fundraising activities.
- Organizers and Users may not place posters or other advertising materials anywhere inside the library unless previously approved by the Library Director or designee prior to the event.
- Organizers and Users may not nail, tack, or tape anything to any meeting room tables, walls, ceilings, or equipment unless using removable painter’s tape.
- Meeting room activities must not disrupt normal library operations. Activities that disrupt the safety or comfort of other library users are not allowed. Organizers and attendees are subject to the Library’s Expectations for Behavior and Safe Child Policy. [spell out or link]
- For-profit business meetings and activities are not allowed
- Political campaign activities and candidate events are not allowed. Political Parties holding annual or biennial precinct meetings and county and district conventions are allowed.
- Private parties, including birthday parties, are not allowed.
- By approving your reservation, the Library and The Town of Chapel Hill do not endorse the views expressed by meeting room event organizers or attendees. The Library and the Town assume no obligation or responsibility for the activities of the individuals or organizations that make use of library meeting rooms.
- Users may not use Chapel Hill Public Library or Town of Chapel Hill logos without prior written approval from the Director or designee.
- Users must take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all room attendees.
- If you serve food, please review the Sustainability & Waste Management Guidelines. Alcohol is not allowed.
- Organizers are responsible for all room set-up, break-down, and operation before, during, and at the end of their event. All spaces, including the catering kitchen, must be returned to their original condition prior to the end of any event.
- Organizers must remove all leftover food, drink, and supplies at the end of their event. Consider asking participants to take leftovers home or donate them to a local food pantry. Do not leave any food, drink, or supplies in the catering kitchen or meeting rooms. This includes the refrigerator.
- Organizers may request use of the library’s catering kitchen in advance when making room reservations. Users who do not request advance use will not be provided access to the catering kitchen.
- Events may not begin prior to the library’s opening time. All rooms, including the catering kitchen, must be vacated and returned to their original condition before library closing time unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the Library Director or designee.
- Organizers are responsible for all damages to the facilities, equipment, and property. Payment will include the costs of all labor, materials, and supplies to repair or replace the damage to facilities.
- Meetings cannot exceed room capacity. While the maximum capacity of a room is nominally set by the Fire Marshal, a room’s actual capacity may be more limited due to configuration and set-up, or health and safety concerns. Library staff reserve the right to decline use of meeting rooms or to ask customers to leave if the number of people in the room exceeds the room capacity.
- Sustainability & Waste Management. The future of our community relies on having a healthy planet.
- Organizers are strongly encouraged to comply with the library’s Sustainability & Waste Management Guidelines. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
- Organizers are strongly encouraged to ask attendees to make green transportation choices, including bike, ped, public transport, carpooling. Large events taking place during library open hours may be required to ask attendees to park off-site. The event holder will assume all costs and responsibility for transportation to the venue.
- Indemnity. The Organizer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town of Chapel Hill and its officers, agents and employees from all losses, liabilities, claims, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from bodily injury, including death, or property damage to any person or persons caused in whole or in part by the Organizers use of the library except to the extent same are caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Town.
- Liability. The Library and the Town assume no liability for the user’s use of the equipment or facilities. As a condition of use of the equipment or facility, the user shall hold the library and Town harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any activity or conduct of the group or individual while using the facility in question. In no event shall the library or the town be liable to the organizer or any user of the space for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including without limitation loss of profits or loss of opportunity arising out the use of the library, even if a party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- Compliance. Users shall comply with all ordinances, codes, policies, and laws related to the proposed use of Town buildings, grounds or parks, and must obtain all necessary permits for the proposed event.
- Reservation of Rights. The Library reserves the right to prohibit use of facilities, for just cause, including, but not limited to, improper use or prior misuse of facilities, failure to abide by the provisions of this policy, disruption of library business, and failure to compensate the library for use and/or damages to a facility.
- Non-Discrimination. Library facilities are available on a non-discriminatory basis and need to accommodate individuals without discrimination because of race, creed, sex, national origin, age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
- Waiver of Terms. The Library Director reserves the right to waive or vary any provision in this policy when doing so would more effectively serve the public’s interest, except when prohibited by law.
Study Rooms
- Study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- We ask that you try to limit your study room use to four hours per day by the same person or group.
Photos and videos taken at Chapel Hill Public Library events and programs are often shared with the community in a variety of forms. Videos are archived on our YouTube channel. Photos are added to our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts, and on rare occasions to our website.
You are our top priority at Chapel Hill Public Library, so if you are uncomfortable with having a picture that features you online and would like it to be removed from our website or social media accounts, please let us know. It will help if you can give us a link to the web page where the photo in question is displayed.
We also appreciate it when people share their own pictures with us. Do you have a great shot of something that happened in or around the library? Please send it to us!