Letter from the Director
Dear Chapel Hill,
One year ago today, we closed our doors to help prevent the spread of COVID. Since then, Library staff have worked incredibly hard to serve you and your families. From figuring out new ways to get books into your hands to working the phones at the Town’s COVID Call Center to launching new services to meet community needs, Library staff have masked up and stepped up to the challenges of the last year.
And you have masked up and stepped up as well. In a year full of the biggest of challenges for Chapel Hill, our nation, and our world, you helped out at food banks, gave to community causes, and volunteered in countless ways. Thank you for everything you’ve done to keep our community safe.
As more of our community and our staff get vaccinated and COVID cases continue to decline, we are working on a plan to welcome you and your families back into the building. I don’t have details to share just yet, but I can tell you that our plan will have the health and safety of our community and our staff as the highest priority. The work of winding down Park & Pick Up and opening our doors again will be complex and challenging, and I ask you to bear with us through this time and know that we can’t wait to welcome all y’all back to the Library.
I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this team and a member of this community.